Monday, November 2, 2009

Blah, humbug!

I don't know why I bothered to get a blog. There isn't anything really noteworthy to put on here but today I really do feel like rambling my mediocre rambles.....................

Several months ago I was characterized by getting rare bursts of energy and then after acting on them I'd find myself sick with bronchitis. After several years of this and finding it to be increasingly more irritating, I went to a Naturopath and got started on supplements and have seen some improvement although they are slow going. Anyways, all of this to say, I had a busy, stressful, adrenaline running week last week and have not gotten sick, only tired. It's a good thing.

So, now, you might be wondering why I haven't been on here. Well, I am failing at the weight loss endeavor, failing at the healthy de-tox eating thing AND failing at the other endeavors as well. Failure means hiding underground and not talking about stuff.
