Friday, April 19, 2013

The Blessing of Diabetes

Last Thursday I was officially diagnosed with Diabetes. This comes as no surprise after repeatedly hearing the Lord speak to me saying, "how sick to you have to get before you do what I'm telling you to do?"................well, I have my answer.

I was given six months to lose at least 35 pounds and track my fasting glucose levels three times a week with results of 120 or lower before being put on medication. I do not want to be on medication and decided to put this disease in remission. There is no cure for diabetes.

This past week has been interesting as well because three days before my diagnosis I quit drinking diet soda. (I have fallen and have had two regular servings of the poison). The main reason I quit drinking the diet soda is that I know it's a neurotoxin and I fear the effects it has on my daughter, Emily. Little did I know that most of my ails are to be blamed on Aspartame Poisoning. From the first day I stopped consuming the diet coke, I stopped having body aches, fatigue and sleepless nights.  I have been in bed before midnight more times in a row than I have in the past several years. I have slept for 8 hours straight for the first time in years and I have felt more alert during the day. My need for daily naps is subsiding more each day and I hope that by taking this garbage out of our diets, my daughter, husband and I can help lesson our depression.

I have been eating carefully this past week and checking my blood sugar to track my results, experimenting with a few 'forbidden' foods just to see the results. I have been cooking at home (miracle in itself) and at my first weekly weigh-in at my doctor's office this week I have lost ELEVEN POUNDS! 

What may become of me if my life actually improves-all b/c of the diagnosis of Diabetes?  I am anxious to find out!

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