Monday, November 8, 2010

rambling, rambling, rambling........

At this stage of my life, sticky notes have become more of a necessity than a fun little pad for doodles. I have to remind myself to close open windows before going to bed for the night, leave a note in plain view so I will take laundry out of the washer before it rots and often times lately, I have to write my husband a little note displaying my affection for him because chances are that I will have forgotten the well-worded litany by the time I see him next. So, here I am today, basically writing down thoughts that I may wish to expound on later............................

It occurred to me last night that many people with addictions may also have some OCDs (obsessive compulsive disorders). I have been using some new methods to exercise my will and build my tolerance for abstinence by changing certain behaviors. Case in point: it is rare for a foodie like me to leave anything on her plate. Why leave one bite? "It's only one bite, just eat it so it doesn't have to be wasted" was a normal thought for me. To deal with this problem differently I would then have to throw the food out right away in order to banish it from my existence. You know, 'out of sight-out of mind'? Well, happily I have evolved to a new point in my exercise with food: leaving it sit before clearing the dishes. Yep. It sits. Right there, in front of me. Guess what? I don't hear it's taunting little voice anymore calling me to consume it. I can leave it there without fear and it feels pretty empowering to do so. Next step: choose proper serving sizes to begin with so there is no need for waste on my plate!

That is all for today since during the typing of the previous thought, the others left my mind. I should have written them down before writing them down! In the words of Homer Simpson, "D'OH!"

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